Investigate the competing cultures within the Dallas, Texas metropolitan area also known as the ‘The Dallas–Fort Worth–Arlington, Texas Metropolitan Statistical Area’. To prepare for this assignment, read the attached and other information you find on the internet to answer the following.

You must use APA format. Citations and resources must also be included and documented properly according to APA format.

  • What is the African American population of the area?
  • Have Hispanic immigrants surpassed African Americans in numbers since 2000?
  • Do the numbers of foreign born in the area exceed the number of other native born Americans (with no African American or Hispanic American backgrounds) in this area?
  • Has unemployment in the area decreased since 2000? Has family income in the area decreased since 2000?
  • Has unemployment in the area increased for any specific group since 2000? Has family income in the area increased for any specifc groups since 2007?
  • Is there a coalition of some kind comprised of all major ethnic and racial groups in the area? Have there been cultural clashes as with the recent World Trade Center mosque proposal in New York City?