cloud storage

Assignment #3

No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper.
Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page
1. Explain what Cloud storage is, how it works, and what challenges and remedies are presented when attempting to acquire data from the Cloud.

2.  If you had to explain to someone how and why they should protect their data on their computer, what would you present (remember to think about some key steps from intrusion, issues such as ransomware, how incidents occur, etc.)

3. Explain at least three ways, in detail, that a digital forensic practitioner can display their ethical practices and understanding of ethics in the profession.

Format Requirements

Paper must be double spaced, 11 or 12 pt font and 1 margins all around.
All APA 7th edition format requirements must be followed (cover page, in text citations, reference page). Refer to APA/UMGC – learning resources found in the content page of this course.
You must have resources to support your thoughts/opinions/information.  These must be cited both in text as well as at the end of the document. Your paper should not contain direct quotes, sourced material must be paraphrased.
Due Date
Apr 27, 2021 11:59 PM
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Rubric Name: 321 Assignment #3 Rubric

This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Approaching Expectations
Below Expectations
Criterion Score
20 points
Student explained clearly and in detail what Cloud storage is, how it works, and what challenges and remedies are presented when attempting to acquire data from the Cloud. Student displayed exemplary critical thinking as evidenced by their response to this question and usage of resources to substantiate their response.

Student thoroughly and clearly presented the key considerations to be taken into consideration for someone to protect their data on their computer and why they should take steps to do so. Student’s discussion addressed each key element (i.e., intrusion, issues such as ransomware, how incidents occur, etc.) in a clear manner and used resources to substantiate their response.

Student clearly, and in detail, explained at least three ways that a digital forensic practitioner can display their ethical practices and understanding of ethics in the profession. Student displayed exemplary critical thinking in this discussion and substantiated their response with more than 2 resources.

Points Available: 18-20

17.9 points
Student explained what Cloud storage is, how it works, and what challenges and remedies are presented when attempting to acquire data from the Cloud. Student displayed solid/good critical thinking as evidenced by their response to this question and usage of resources to substantiate their response.

Student presented the key considerations to be taken into consideration for someone to protect their data on their computer and why they should take steps to do so. Student’s discussion addressed each key element (i.e., intrusion, issues such as ransomware, how incidents occur, etc.) in a clear manner and used resources to substantiate their response.

Student explained at least three ways that a digital forensic practitioner can display their ethical practices and understanding of ethics in the profession. Student displayed solid/good critical thinking in this discussion and substantiated their response with  2 resources.

Points Available: 16-17.9

15.9 points
Student explained what Cloud storage is, how it works, and what challenges and remedies are presented when attempting to acquire data from the Cloud in a limited/incomplete/incorrect manner. Student displayed limited or no critical thinking as evidenced by their response to this question and lack of usage of resources to substantiate their response.

Student presented the key considerations to be taken into consideration for someone to protect their data on their computer and why they should take steps to do so in a limited/incomplete/incorrect manner.  Student’s discussion did not address each key element (i.e., intrusion, issues such as ransomware, how incidents occur, etc.) in a clear manner and/or response was limited/incomplete/incorrect. Student used 1 or less resources to substantiate their response.

Student explained less than three ways that a digital forensic practitioner can display their ethical practices and understanding of ethics in the profession. Student displayed limited to no critical thinking in this discussion and substantiated their response with  1 or less resources. 

Points Available: 14-15.9

13.9 points
Did not  fulfill  one or more requirements for this assignment.

Points available D: 12-13.9

Points available F: 0 -11.9

Score of Content,/ 20
10 points
Student followed APA format correctly (Cover page, in text citations and reference page)

Student followed all format directions for this assignment

Student had no more than 1 grammar or spelling error

Student submitted assignment on time

Points available: 9-10

8.9 points
Student mostly used APA format correctly but does have one or more errors (Cover page, in text citations and reference page)

Student mostly followed all format directions for this assignment but has 1 or more errors.

Student submitted assignment on time

Points available: 8-8.9

7.9 points
Student did not follow APA format correctly and has more than one error (Cover page, in text citations and reference page)

Student mostly followed the format directions for this assignment but has more than 2 errors.

Student submitted assignment on time or within 2 days of the deadline passing

Points available: 7-7.9

6.9 points
Did not  fulfill format/grammar/spelling/timeliness expectations for this assignment

Assignment was 5 or more days past due.

Points available D: 6-6.9

Points available F: 0-5.9

Score of Format/Grammar/Spelling/Timeliness,/ 10

Cisco Systems Internet of Things

The objective of this study is to select any strategic business unit from a publicly traded multi-national corporation and to analyze the overall competitive environment including market conditions, evaluate the current growth and new business strategies, along with implications, analyze the organization’s primary business model, evaluate the organization’s competencies and resources, evaluate the leveraging of growth strategies through partnerships and alliances and identify future opportunities for innovation based on past success and failure.

Cisco Systems Firm Strategy and Internal Strengths

Cisco Systems, the self-proclaimed “worldwide leader in networking for the Internet,” has dominated similar firms in its industry. As Wall-Streets’ beloved stock and an essential stock in any investor’s portfolio, with over 35,566 employees worldwide and boasting revenues totaling 22.2 billion in the previous fiscal year the company aims to ensure that networks both public and private operate with maximum performance, security, and flexibility.


The focus on the first part of this project is to select a new innovative technology or application concept (something new and not currently on the market) for a specific technology or application that will be developed and ultimately marketed. The new technology or application concept selected for this paper will be used as focus for the remaining written assignments. You will write a 23 page (350 words per page) paper in APA format addressing the following topics below. You should also include as part of this paper any acknowledgements and resources used (e.g., websites, textbooks, articles). Each written assignment should include three or more references.

– Describe the ideation process (e.g. generating, filtering and validating ideas) to come up with a new specific technology or application
-Alternative solutions or concepts considered through the process
– Overview of the technology or application concept selected


Use Excel to prove your solution and share your Excel workbook.You will need to add your Excel workbook as an attachment to the discussion. Explain your choice, the steps followed to complete the solution, and any challenges you faced while working on the solution.

Scenario: You are responsible for ensuring payments for your family business are received on time. Create a workbook to show the current date and the due date and use an IF statement to determine if a payment is due.

NOTE: The payment due must be an IF statement and the current date must be a function as well.

Finishing MyPaper and creating Jupyter Notebook

Paper instructions:
Here is the Intro and work related sections COMPLETED ( see MyPaper attached). Please finish the rest of the sections so it looks like the sample( See PAPER SAMPLE attached as a reference).

In order to do this: You must create a Jupyter Notebook with detailed comments of why you did what you did with each coding block. See Coding Example attached of similar dataset with different research objectives at the links below:

Note: I want mine to be as simple as possible. I want it just enough to fulfill the research paper objective. Hopefully shows choosing the optimal model out of couple of models.

My research topic:

Using transactions data and machine learning model to predict what a customer is going to purchase on their next visit to the store. This is done using point of sale data (sales transactions data) and a machine learning model ( a classifier ).

The data I intend to use for this paper (sales transactions data):

Note: It would be better to use real data if you find one (please revise the dataset section in the paper had you decided to do so):

NOTE: See the unfinished paper (attached) . I also want the rest of the sections to look and sound like the (SAMPLE PAPER attached).

Deliverables: MyPaper.doc updated and Juypter Notebook created.

Thank you

Cloud Computing

A paper for the “Technical Writing” course.

Select a product or a process that is trending in your discipline. This can be a relatively new (last 5 years) process your chosen industry is adopting, or a relatively new technology your industry is adopting.


Do the following:

1. Find three reliable, credible sources on that topic. [VERY IMPORTANCE for GRADE]
    You have to provide “A full-text copy of the article”

2. Write a brief paper (2 pages) that described your product or process, and then analyzes each of your sources and explains why it is a credible, reliable source based on our lecture.

3. Include in text citations in the body where necessary and create a works cited list at the end of the document, listing your sources in proper format.

***Avoid plagiarism

information technology

Please respond to the following:

Low-fidelity prototypes are mainly used to conduct research on a product and are not integrated into the final product, while high-fidelity prototypes may evolve into a final product. Compare and contrast the final product that evolves from a high-fidelity product and a product built from the ground up after studying and learning from a low-fidelity prototype. Provide one example of each type of product to support your response.

Information Technology

As it stands now, your company “Real Estate, Real Cheap” (or RERC) has 25 users and computers with some smart devices brought in by employees for work use. In the future, your boss hopes to expand the company greatly and maybe bring in up to 150 employees with computers for each and more room for more smart devices. Right now, you have a Windows 2016 domain and all the PCs that user have are clients in the domain. The boss tells you that you need to plan for everything happening within 612 months, but she wants the domain intact, just expanded for more clients and users.

What are some Active Directory (AD) issues you would consider that will make this upgrade possible?

Intro to Computers

Business Consulting

Remember Bill? He was the gentleman that you helped to start up his business in Lesson 4. Well his business is doing well, but he has come to you with some questions and concerns. You discuss each of these with Bill and promise to send him a written report with your suggestions and recommendations. Bills questions and concerns are as follows:

Bill has set up a spreadsheet in Excel that will help him keep track of expenses. So far, he has this:

Tell Bill how to do the following tasks:
What formula or function does he put in Column F that will show the total expenses for each day?
What formula or function does he put in columns B through F in Row 13 that will give him the total expenses for the week in each category?
Bill wants the entry in Column G to remind him of expenses that require receipts for the accountant. Tell Bill what to put in Column G to do this:
Print the word Yes in any row where the total daily expenses are greater than or equal to $100.00.
If the daily expenses total is less than $100.00, leave the Column G entry for that row blank.
Bills business is already expanding. He thinks that in a few weeks he will need to hire one or two employees to help him. He knows that each new employee will need their own computer. He is also making the necessary changes so that the new employees will be working in a spare room in Bills house. Explain to Bill what networking options he has. Go through each type or configuration of network possible for him, making sure that you explain the pros and cons of each configuration. Finish with your suggestion for the network that he should set up and explain what new hardware will be required to do this.
With the possibility of three business computers in his home, and all of his business records possibly vulnerable, this would be a good time to advise Bill on how to set up a routine plan to protect and defend his new network. Provide a list of the five most important concerns for safety and security of the network and the computers in the network. For each concern, specify the action to be taken, and if applicable, what software you recommend be added to the system. Justify each of your recommendations


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You are allowed to use the original model paper you will receive in the following ways:

  1. As a source for additional understanding of the subject
  2. As a source of ideas / reasoning for your own research (if properly referenced)
  3. For proper paraphrasing (see your educational institution's definition of plagiarism and acceptable paraphrase)
  4. Direct citing (if referenced properly)

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