
Here is the test. Write your answers on a Word file and submit into Test 1 folder under Assignments.

Part 1 (50 marks)

Define and state significance for five (5) of the following terms. Each answer should be at least 3 FULL paragraphs in length.

Imagined Communities
Social Constructivism
Marxist Theory of International Relations
Suez Crisis of 1956
Cold War Historiography
Colonialism and Scientific Racism
Economic Hitmen
Cuban Missile Crisis and its Consequences
Globalization erodes state sovereignty. Yes or No? Discuss.

Part 2 (50 marks)

Answer the following two (2) questions. Each answer should be at least 5 FULL paragraphs in length – develop an argument

Which of the following theories (can be more than 1) of International Relations help explain and understand world politics since 1945 Realism, Liberalism, Marxism, Social Constructivism, Post-structuralism, Post Colonialism?
Discuss the creation of the post WWII international order and the way it intertwined with the process of decolonization.


Here is the test. Write your answers on a Word file and submit into Test 1 folder under Assignments.

Part 1 (50 marks)

Define and state significance for five (5) of the following terms. Each answer should be at least 3 FULL paragraphs in length.

Imagined Communities
Social Constructivism
Marxist Theory of International Relations
Suez Crisis of 1956
Cold War Historiography
Colonialism and Scientific Racism
Economic Hitmen
Cuban Missile Crisis and its Consequences
Globalization erodes state sovereignty. Yes or No? Discuss.

Part 2 (50 marks)

Answer the following two (2) questions. Each answer should be at least 5 FULL paragraphs in length – develop an argument

Which of the following theories (can be more than 1) of International Relations help explain and understand world politics since 1945 Realism, Liberalism, Marxism, Social Constructivism, Post-structuralism, Post Colonialism?
Discuss the creation of the post WWII international order and the way it intertwined with the process of decolonization.


The 1930s have become almost a blueprint for how not do deal with an international crisis. The Great Depression crippled most major powers (including Germany, Britain, and France) and left its population susceptible to political extremism, as we saw last week. But we must also keep in mind that historical hindsight should not cloud our vision of this period. We must remember that Germany was not a pariah state before the Second World War. Not only had Germany made multiple international agreements (including the Dawes Plan and the Locarno Treaty in the 1920s), Nazi Germany was looked at as a rising power in the world and some saw it as a symbol for the future. As we saw last week with the former PM of Britain calling Hitler Germanys George Washington. This was also seen in the near-universal participation in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, the somewhat blas news coverage of the Nazi rise to power in 1933, and even the support of international figures like Charles Lindbergh.

We must remember that Europeans did not want war in the 1930s, as the memory of WWI still cast a long shadow. Multiple peace measures are put forward after the war, including the Dawes Plan in 1924 (which reduced and rescheduled German reparation payment while also guaranteeing American loans to the Weimar Republic) and the Locarno Treaty of 1925 (which solidified the borders on in the West agreed to by Versailles but also allowed for possible changes in the East). Germany was admitted into the League of Nations in 1926, and the Briand-Kellog Pact of 1929 solemnly renounced war as a tool of politics (but was an empty pledge).

When individuals like PM Chamberlain (as you will hear in the podcast) appeased Hitler, it was largely because Britain (and much of the rest of Europe), was simply unprepared for the war. Sadly, few realized the true horrors that were to be unleashed a few months later.

Orwell is a wonderful conduit to understanding this overall uncertainty. While the first half of his book addresses the economic uncertainty of the Depression, Orwells account of the political and social issues of socialism clearly highlights the uncertainty and apprehension that dominated the 1930s. The chapter from Arnsteins work on interwar Britain would also provide additional context (not only for this week but also your critical analysis paper). Orwell was a massive proponent in confronting Hitler and Stalin and was appalled by the idea of appeasement in the late 1930s. As Orwell put it, the problem was that Britain was not willing to pay the price either of peace or war, and so they got both.

It was in this environment of appeasement that war was eventually declared in the Fall of 1939 and unleashed the most destructive conflict in human history. Snyders work gives you a strong sense of the scale and scope of this conflict (especially on the Eastern Front), but casualties aside, in Asia and Europe, the Second World War was very destructive.

Mass aerial bombing had made the ability to destroy cities very effectively. By the end of the war, infrastructure and economies across the world were crippled, along with the millions of people who were driven from their homes and isolated. By wars end, the old capitols of Europe were in ruin, and the once-mighty empires of the 19th century could not even feed their own population. Because of this, there were major doubts that the old imperial powers of Europe would be able to fully recover. This economic weakness only solidified view of the weakness of the Europeans by their colonial subjects.

World War II fundamentally altered the power structure of the globe. This is not only because of the unimaginable loss of life, but because of the direct aftermath, leading to two of the major byproducts of the war: The Cold War and Decolonization. Sadly, we do not have two more weeks to cover these events with our remaining time in the course. We will, however, deal with these questions or the legacy of the war (and the course as a whole next week when we discuss the Holocaust).

Discussion Prompt

Using Orwells Road to Wigan Pier as your primary source, what do you think was the biggest concern or apprehension for Europeans during the buildup to World War II? These concerns can be economic, political, social, or even intellectual.

[Note: Think of this response as a kind of starting point for your Critical Analysis Paper. I fully expect you to incorporate this response into your longer paper to get you a head start on this assignment.]

please read the 4 articles in the instructions

write a two-page summary on what you read, including the importantce of personal finance and planning
for the future. Why does learning about this stuff matter now rather than when you are older?
What advice stood out to you the most and why?

Credit Scores: https://www.finra.org/investors/personal-finance/how-your-credit-score-impacts-

Retirement: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/040315/why-save-


Resume Writing: https://www.resumecoach.com/resume-samples/personal-financial-advisor/

Will racism ever disappear?

presenting your proposal, provide a brief overview of the issue in question, making use of at least five outside sources in the process. In addition, discuss your interest in the issue (what led you to the issue, why it is of importance to you), and your plan of action for conducting research on the topic.

The emergence of fur trade society in the West and the North was necessary to the success of the fur trade and Aboriginal economies. Discuss.

Write a well-organized essay of 7501000 words on ONE of the following topics. Please be sure to clearly identify your essay topic at the beginning of your essay. You are expected to use relevant evidence from your Canadian History: Pre-Confederation textbook, the video presentations by Canadian historians, and from the readings in Units Six to Ten. Feel free to use other articles from the Recommended Readings lists in the course or textbook.

Perikles memorial oration

Perikles’ Memorial Oration states the ideals for which the young Athenian men gave their lives. These ideals were what made Athens the greatest city. Are these ideals real or were they merely aspirations by which the Athenians tried to live?

If these ideas are just aspirations, do they have any true value? Does this idea apply to the United States? For example, we have the ideal that all people are created equal. Does this ideal really exist or do we aspire toward the ideal? In other words, do we have to work to achieve the ideal? Respond.

Be sure to include your word count minus any direct quotes, use paragraphs, and appropriate capitalization.  Submissions missing any of these will be graded “0.” Must be at least 400 words

here is the link for the reading: http://www.historyguide.org/ancient/funeral.html

world history

Quick Write #2 – Working with Evidence – Traveler’s Tales

Read pages 305-313. Answer the following questions in one or two paragraphs.

What are some of the accuracy issues with these sources? Do we really get a true picture of the societies being described?  If not, what do these sources tell us about their authors/creators – what can we learn about their views on other societies?

read instructions

Your assignment is to listen to the following economics podcast (Is New York City Over?
(Ep. 434) What you should be writing about is a very brief summary of the podcast followed by mostly your viewpoints on the podcast. Do you agree with what was said?
Disagree? Why or why not?

Compare two articles on the early european approaches to the northeast of canada

Write a well-organized essay of 1000 words on ONE of the topics listed below. The purpose of the essay is to compare the research of two scholars on selected topics. When preparing this essay, begin by deciding whether the similarities or differences between their research dominate. For example, if differences are more significant than the similarities, then much of your essay will be taken up with the contrasts between the two articles. In this case, begin with a discussion of the similarities. You should include all the similarities. Once this is out of the way, you can then get down to the major part of your essay, the different approaches the authors have chosen to take. It is key in this assignment to demonstrate that you have thoroughly and carefully read and understood the articles.

Compare the articles by McGhee, and Loewen and Delmas on early European approaches to the northeast.

    McGhee, Robert. Vikings and Arctic Farmers: The Norse Atlantic Saga, in The Last Imaginary Place: A Human History of the Arctic World. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007.

    Loewen, Brad and Vincent Delmas, The Basques in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Adjacent Shores, Canadian Journal of Archaeology 36, no. 2 (2012): 213266.


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